The destinations, island to island, as follows...
1. Buenavista Cave and Beach, Hikdop Island
Unspoiled white beach facades the way to the
2. Zaragoza Tourist Park, Sibale Island
A miniature park covered with bermuda grasses and overlooking the surrounded shore of rock formations. The ambiance of the park is so relaxing; while gazing at the turquoise waters reminiscing for something, the refreshing cool sea breeze does the chilling.
While passing at this site, one cant help but get his camera to capture this rock formations blackened by weather and time.~~~~~~~
3. Rock Formation, Brgy. Lisondra, Sibale Island
3. Rock Formation, Brgy. Lisondra, Sibale Island
4. Cantiasay (Nonoc Island) - San Pedro (Hanigad Island) Wooden Foot Bridge
4. Cantiasay (Nonoc Island) - San Pedro (Hanigad Island) Wooden Foot Bridge
The Surigao version of the famous San Juanico bridge connecting the two neighboring islands.
5. Basul Island
5. Basul Island
The crown jewel of Surigao City island getaway that possess four faces in its every corner. As Basul means "regret" in english, one will regret for not stepping in this wonderful island.